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This is one, that I had carried about with me for a long time: How can I make a painting of Ayrton and Imola in a sensible way? 

I had never been a downright Senna-fan per se. Sure I adored his amazing abilities, but I never cheered for him to win a race or a championship. For some reason though, I always had the feeling, that I have to make a Senna painting sometime. 

The obvious motive would have been the iconic JPS Lotus or one of his oh so successful McLarens, with which he won many races and all his championships. But I did choose the hard way, and went for the Williams and Imola.

I was very touched when I first time visited the statue in the park in Imola inside Tamburello. In my opinion, it is very well done, and the whole place even today has a magical atmosphere. This was the point to start from. I put a Brazilian flag in his lap, a rose in his hand and added the start and finish area in the background.

The car is speeding past the statue in a rather dark environment to express the shadows which lay over this fateful weekend in May 1994. The proportions in the painting do not comply with the reality, but this is irrelevant for this scene. 

The goal was to honor one of the greatest of our sport in a respectful way – what do you think about it?

Senna Statue

  • Format 37x30cm (suggested frame: 40x50cm)

    Format 50x62cm (suggested frame: 50x70cm)

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